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"At Netball America, we are proud to present the most prestigious American Team. Our Team attracts a highly diverse range of athletes, coaches, officials, and volunteers, from across the nation and around the globe for an exhilarating showcase of skill, action, camaraderie, and community spirit."
- Natasha Ainsley-Thomas
President, Netball America

Why Your Support Matters:

• Fostering Diversity:

By supporting the American Stars, you champion inclusivity and diversity within the sport. It provides an opportunity for both men and women to participate and compete together, breaking traditional gender barriers and stereotypes. By actively involving men in netball, we expand the player base and attract a wider range of participants and a broader audience. This can help to grow the sport, increase team registrations, and foster a larger netball community.

• Empowering Inclusivity:

Your contribution fosters gender equality in sports and sets inspiring examples for young girls and boys. In representing a diverse American population, Netball America's mission resonates with women, men, minorities, and the LGBTQ+ communities, creating an inclusive and enriching environment for all participants.

• Growing the Sport:

Your support will contribute to the growth and development of netball in the United States. By participating in international tournaments, the American Stars will gain valuable experience, elevate their game, and inspire more young athletes to take up netball. It’s a collective stride towards our ultimate goal of Olympic inclusion.

• National Pride:

When our atheletes step onto the court in Dubai, they will proudly represent the United States, showcasing the talent and dedication of American netball players. Your support will help us promote national pride and unity through sports.

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A variety of partnerships and sponsorships are available that include Naming Rights; Logo on the Uniforms, Team Ball and other Team Gear; Broadcast Advertisement and Extensive Global Social Media Exposure.  

Netball is played by 20 million people in over 70 countries.  It is the original women’s basketball which was invented right here in the USA.  Thanks to the work of Netball America the sport is gaining momentum across the USA and being introduced into schools with numerous awards from organizations such as NIKE, Microsoft, KPMG, International Sport & Cultural Association (ISCA), Rotary International, Billie Jean King’s Women’s Sports Foundation, Nickelodeon Kid’s TV, the NFL Atlanta Falcons, and LA Business Journal Awards.

I invite you to be a part of our American Team journey to shine on the national and international stage.  Our team is participating in events such as the Dubai Netball 7’s hosted alongside the Rugby 7’s in December and the U.S. Open Netball Championships® in vibrant New Orleans from November 3 to 5.  To get a glimpse of what's in store for us, check out this quick clip!

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